Beetles, grain, sand, dirt, dust, ants, ant organs, moth wings, fuzz, water molecules, baby teeth, quiet footsteps, the backs of lost earrings, chloroplasts, suspicion, zero, twigs, eyelashes, pebbles, baby bird tongues, down, worms, condensation, wrinkles, dust bunnies, shimmer, the three inner ear bones, cracks, seeds, rice, pills, the difference between pure black and pure blue, lizards, fish, disease, puddles, yellow, bees, fingernails, fingernail clippings, hair, fur, unnoticed deceit, the smallest asteroids, ice water, the beginnings of loneliness, rocks, glass, patches of land, sprouts, a collection of stars, an occasional breeze, speed, quickness, digestion, taking bites, beady eyes, young trees, the naming of Light, pride, archipelagos, moons, engines, blood, waste, turning, spinning, revolution, distance, mathematics, fruit, swarms, hurricanes, waves, tools, walking animals, the claiming of the Sun, heat, more heat, chemical reactions, trucks, pipes, Jupiter, the storm on Jupiter, laughter, the inside of a black hole, the planetary systems, attachment to each other, architecture, debt,
2019, Custom velour grand drape, 240” (h) x 180” (w)
Shown installed as a part of Intersectional Touch, an exhibition of the residents of The Hyde Park Art Center’s Center Program 2019. Intersectional Touch was curated by Juarez Hawkins.