This Must Be the Place, 2020
cyanotype on stretched muslin,
42” (h) x 52” (w) x 1” (d)
This atmospheric cyanotype has become a talisman in my home, one of the only artworks I display and live with of my own making. Dying the cloth was one of the last things I made before leaving Chicago for Los Angeles. I used it in many installations as a loose sheet before finally stretching it and hanging it above my couch in my small LA apartment. At the time, I felt like I was retiring the image in frustration and relocating it to a static position over my couch as if at the end of its life. Then, I sat under it throughout the pandemic. It gave me space inside. It was the ocean, it was the sky, it was a map to somewhere, then it brought me back - ah, here, This Must Be the Place.