Necklace/Net, 2022, collected jewelry, chain, split jumprings, 6' (h) x 25' (w), installed dimensions varibale.
Necklace/Net_Scans (series), 2022 digital scans, display dimensions vary.
Concrete_ (series), 2022 , paper, rocks, shells, quikcrete, 12" (h) x 8.5 (w) x 1 (d)
This Must Be the Place, 2020, cyanotype on stretched muslin, 42" (h) x 52" (w) x 1" (d)
Beetles, grain, sand ... , 2019, custom velour grande drape, 240" (h) x 140" (w).
A Spider, Flamingos, Pink, 2019, Mixed media with collage on linen, 82" (h) x 70" (w)
Two Red Trash Cans, Sentimentality, Seeing In the Dark, 2019, Mixed media with collage on linen, 81 in. x 69.5 in.
Like a Hand Leaving a Glove, 2019, inkjet print on transparency paper, organza bag, 6" (h) x 4" (w)
Like a Gardener, Like a Garden, 2019, acrylic, ink and dye on paper, muslin, t-shirt, plastic bags, clothesline, installed dimensions vary.
One System, One Thousand Times (Ground Floor), 2016, Muslin, fabric dye, plaster, kitchen table, installed dimensions vary.